Registration service at JR Automobile
Your practical all-round service when buying a used car

At JR Automobile, we want to make your vehicle purchase as pleasant and stress-free as possible. That's why we offer our customers a practical registration service that takes care of all the red tape for you. If you buy a used vehicle from our range, you can take advantage of this service and no longer have to worry about the tedious registration formalities.

However, our registration service is only available to buyers of a used car from our Assortment available. This means that this service can only be used in connection with the purchase of a used car from JR Automobile. Unfortunately, we do not offer any additional support for all other registration requests.

Our services

  • Seasonal license plate
  • Customs license plate
  • Authorization
  • Re-register
  • Log out
  • Short-term license plate
  • License plate

“From registration to the license plate - We are clearing the way!”

What does that mean for you?

With our registration service, we offer you a quick and convenient solution so that you can use your vehicle immediately after purchase without any stress. You don't have to deal with the registration office or put up with long waiting times - we take care of everything for you and ensure that your used vehicle gets on the road without any complications.


Exclusively for buyers of used vehicles at JR Automobile

Our registration service is an exclusive benefit for buyers of a used car from us. If you opt for one of our high-quality vehicles, you will benefit from this all-round service. We take care of all the necessary registration steps, deal with the required formalities and take care of all the administrative work so that your vehicle is registered quickly and easily.

How does the registration service work?

After purchasing your used vehicle, we take care of all the necessary steps for registration. We will explain to you which documents we need and take care of the entire process with the registration office. So you can sit back and relax while we make sure that your vehicle is registered quickly and easily.


Talk to us when buying your vehicle!

If you are interested in our registration service, simply contact us when you purchase your vehicle. We will be happy to advise you and explain all the steps required for a quick and uncomplicated registration so that your vehicle can get on the road quickly.

“Buy vehicle, enjoy registration

We'll sort it out for you.”